Growing Younger - Health & Fitness Podcast for Over 40's
Growing Younger - Health & Fitness Podcast for Over 40's
How to avoid putting on weight during the festive season - 5 proven strategies
The silly season is here again. You might be looking forward to reconnecting with some of your friends and family.
The summer BBQ's, family dinners, picnics... you name it. One thing for sure... food is going to be abundant. And likely excess of it.
According to stats most people put on extra weight during the Christmas holiday season.
Abundance of food and lack of exercise are often the cause.
In this episode I will outline the 5 proven strategies we have been using with our clients at Growing Younger for years to not only avoid weight gain but perhaps even lose a little... all that while still having fun and thoroughly enjoying this magical time of the year!
If you're over 40 and want to turn your health and fitness around book your Discovery coaching call with Gavyn by clicking on this link: https://calendly.com/growingyounger/freediscoverysession