Growing Younger - Health & Fitness Podcast for Over 40's
Growing Younger - Health & Fitness Podcast for Over 40's
How much strength training you need to see meaningful results
In this episode we briefly talk about a new study that looked at exactly how much strength training you need in order for you to get noticeable improvement in muscle strength.
You see, too many people mistakenly think that they need to hit the gym at least 3-4 times a week to see a change in their muscle strength. This new study reveals that it's not true. You can actually achieve significant increase in muscle strength at much lower levels of training.
Listen to the podcast to find out exactly how little training you can get away with to get life-changing results.
If you're over 40 and want to turn your health and fitness around book your Discovery coaching call with Gavyn by clicking on this link: https://calendly.com/growingyounger/freediscoverysession