Growing Younger - Health & Fitness Podcast for Over 40's
In this podcast designed for people 40+ you will discover:- How to effective lose and keep excess weight off after 40 (without harsh dieting!)- Top science-based tips on boosting muscles strength and reversing age-related muscle decline- Skyrocket your energy levels- How you can exercise and still get fit even if you have an existing injury- Time-tested ways to amplify your stamina after 40 so you can keep up with your kids and grand-kids - Proven formula for future-proofing your body and health for decades to come- Success strategies to re-gain the lost confidence and be proud of your body again!Let us show you a way from frustration and fear to radiant health and confidence in tomorrow!
Growing Younger - Health & Fitness Podcast for Over 40's
Are DIET soft drinks safe for you?
Alex and Gavyn
Season 2
Episode 55
In today's podcast we explore the evidence behind the question of whether diet (zero-sugar) sodas or diet soft drinks are actually safe for you?
Many people use diet drinks as a safer alternative to sugar-loaded fizzy drinks in an attempt to cut their sugar or calorie intake. But are they actually healthier?
We discuss the latest scientific research on the topic and the main artificial sweetener used in diet drinks.
Brace yourself because you may be blown away by what we discovered.
If you're over 40 and want to turn your health and fitness around book your Discovery coaching call with Gavyn by clicking on this link: https://calendly.com/growingyounger/freediscoverysession