Growing Younger - Health & Fitness Podcast for Over 40's
Growing Younger - Health & Fitness Podcast for Over 40's
Exercising with a shoulder injury. Do's and dont's. And what to keep an eye out for
Today I use my 20 years physiotherapy experience to shed some light on the subject of exercising with a shoulder injury.
You see, shoulder injuries become increasingly more common after the age of 40. However, not all shoulder injuries are the same... you may have a rotator cuff problem, frozen shoulder, arthritis... the list goes on.
So is it safe to carry on exercising with a shoulder injury? And if you carry on what's the best way to adjust your exercise routine to minimise the risk of aggravating your shoulder problem?
We discuss all this in this episode...
If you're over 40 and want to turn your health and fitness around book your Discovery coaching call with Gavyn by clicking on this link: https://calendly.com/growingyounger/freediscoverysession